“以伊班族人为绘画主题的周方正,却能独自开出一条宽广道路,一九八六年他第 一次画展揭幕时,由当地土著州⻓,副州⻓为其剪彩,第一二省(古晋)观赏画展 达到两万人次,五,六年来他的杰出表现已被砂劳越政府誉为《马来西亚国宝》, 他的画作被列为砂劳越对外代表,印在观光与旅游局的小册,赠送外宾的T恤上。”
English Translation:
"Focusing on the Iban people as his painting subjects, Chew Fang Chin has forged a wide and distinctive path. When his first solo exhibition opened in 1986, it was inaugurated by the local indigenous Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister. The exhibition in the first and second provinces (Kuching) attracted 20,000 visitors. Over the past five or six years, his outstanding achievements have been recognized by the Sarawak government, which has honored him as a 'National Treasure of Malaysia.' His artworks have been featured as Sarawak's representatives abroad, printed on brochures by the Tourism Board, and on T-shirts presented to foreign guests."
Source: 台湾《时报周刊》第770期(1992 年)。《他的作品印在T恤上 - 砂捞越华裔 画家周方正的南洋⻛情涵义深》